Monday, August 13, 2007

Husband’s wish list…

There are only a few things that my husband truly want, but those things cost big bucks. He wants a 58 inch or bigger plasma TV, surround sound speakers, and his own play room. The last item is easy to do, but the other two will have to wait.

It's crazy that we have a 4 bedroom house, but there’s still not enough room for us.I want an office and a gym and he wants a game/entertainment room. Since his brother and the wife will be living with us we only have 2 rooms left to do as we please. For now, he’s going to get the bigger room and I’ll have to settle for the smaller one. We will probably put our old sectional, media center, and TV in there for now. I’m trying to figure how I will fit my treadmill and office stuff into one little space.

Growing up, it was easy for our family of 12 to live in a 4 bedroom house so it's possible. I guess I'm just being a spoiled brat. I was never one to share as a child. I’m considering putting my treadmill in the garage, but in the summer time it will be too hot and during the winter it will be too cold. What to do?

Tip: Compromise is the key to a happy marriage.

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